Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Hello Blog Readers,
     A lot has been happening to me lately. I see now that I have been putting tasks above people. I have worked so hard on my homework or other little things that are important, but I have put them first  instead of my family and friends. I have been in a play call Fiddler on the Roof and that has taken up much of my time, but I am connecting with people there at the theatre which has been really good. I was talking to my little brother on the phone the other day and after I hung up, I realized I had not said "I love you, good bye." When I was little, I would always say that before I hung up. I called him again later that day and made sure that I said, I love you. My little brother have not had a very good relationship the last several years, but you know what? That can change and it is in my power. I cannot just wait for him to suddenly become and angel and then we love each other. I need to make an effort too. So, I am going to try to be extra loving to him this week.
     I am a contestant in the National American Miss Pageant. I was worried about it because of the money I have to raise to be a part of it, but I felt like God was telling me this was something I needed to pursue. On Sunday, there was a special speaker, and he spoke about have faith and trusting God. I felt like he was telling me to trust God, so I did and am. I will update you later and tell you how it is going. I will tell you this that I know now, God has totally been providing. Every little thing that I need has not necessarily come in the way I asked, but it has come. Thank you God.
    Please pray for me. Tonight I have to go to the NAM training session. I am really scared because my parents cannot go with me. It will just be me. My older brother will be taking me, but he doesn't want to stay, so it will just be me and God. I know it will all be okay, but that doesn't keep me from being nervous. Thank you all so much.
~Daughter of the Light

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