Saturday, August 9, 2014

Great Book

     This is a great book just in case anyone was wondering. I think everyone should read it. I have added it to my daily devotional reading. It is not just for the leaders of tomorrow, but also for the leaders of today. I personally am not one to like to read books, but this one is very well written and I am enjoying it immensely.

Next Generation Leaders
by Andy Stanley

Remembering Scriptures

     John 16:33; In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! For I have over come the world.

     Jesus conquered all, so whom shall I fear?

     Jesus let us know that trouble will come because he is an honest gentleman. He also gave us hope and peace by saying those words. If only I could remember this scripture and quote it to myself in my times of need, then all my fear would melt away and I would feel comforted. I would have faith again that I can leave everything in Jesus's hand because he has the ultimate power. I think when I grow up and get my own house, I will cover my bedroom walls with scriptures written in really cool different fonts. Then I would be surrounded by the word as I sleep. I would see those scriptures every day and remember them when I am in need.

     Dear Jesus,
           Please help me to remember your words so that I can have peace; and so that I can cast all my anxiety on you, because I know you care for me. (1 Peter 5:7)

~Daughter of the Light~

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

He Was Thinking Of Me

     H. John 13:1; It was just before the Passover Festival. Jesus knew that the hour had come for him to leave this world and go to the Father. Having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end.
     E. Jesus was going to die on the cross to save all of humanity.
     A. As I read this scripture this morning, I couldn't help but wonder, was Jesus thinking about me when he died? I wonder if, as he was being whipped and carrying his cross if he was thinking, "This will all be worth it because I know in the future, Kelsey will believe in me. She is worth it." I wonder if Jesus was thinking of every little boy and girl who would put their faith in him, and that comforted him a bit. But then, as he held that cross and walked up that hill, he thought of all those little boys and girls would would turn away and follow their own, worldly path. With this thought, he fell to the ground, tears streaming down his cheeks. The soldiers around him thought he was physically weak, so they called a man from the crowd to carry the cross for him. Little did they know that the one on the ground was God's son. If it had been God's will, he could have had all the strength in the world.
     As Jesus was down in the dust, he opened his mouth to plead with his heavenly father, but then he remembered. He remembered that in the future, those boys and girls who grew up and turned away from him would come back. They would be scared from the bad choices they had made, but they would come back. Jesus knew that in order for him to later wash all those scared hearts clean and give those boys and girls his perfect peace, he would have to die for them. He rose up and began walking again though the soldiers teased and kicked him. Jesus thought of every night that would take place when a child of God would feel rejected and alone. As a nail went through his hand, he held on with the joy he knew would come when he would be able to comfort that child and say, "Believe in me, and you will have everlasting life."
     The cross was heaved up on that hill, and as his body hung from it, he knew that this was not the end, but the beginning. He had to do this for those he loved. He had to show everyone, that when the beginning of your life is rough, just hold on because you will have an even more beautiful ending. Or, if the beginning of your life is great, and kings are bowing down to you, trouble still comes; BUT...
Take Heart, For I Have Overcome the World!

~Daughter of the Light~

Saturday, August 2, 2014


     H. John 10:40-43; Then Jesus went back across the Jordan to the place where John had been baptizing in the early days. There he stayed, and many people came to him. They said, “Though John never performed a sign, all that John said about this man was true.” And in that place many believed in Jesus.
     E. You don't have to perform miraculous signs in order to speak the truth. John changed many people's lives just by talking and telling about Jesus.
     A. I may never heal someone or have the power to walk on water, but I can tell others about Jesus. I can pray for them too. If John had not gone ahead of Jesus, less people would have accepted and believed in Jesus. I have a purpose. It is a purpose that is not better but not less than any other purpose. It is different than most others. I do not have to do miracles to make a difference or fulfill my purpose in this world. I have to listen to what I am being called to do, and do it without complaint.
     R. Dear God,
                   Please help me to pray more and not try to take everything on myself. Remind me that it is you who initiates people's hears. I am here to make a difference the way you want me to make a difference, because in myself, I can do nothing, but with you, I can do anything. Thank you.
~Daughter of the Light~

Friday, August 1, 2014

Being Blind is not always a Bad Thing

    Highlight-  John 9:1-3; As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, “Rabbi,who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”
“Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him.

     Explain-  When bad things happen to you, remember that God can shine when you are humble. Through your weakness, he can show himself to others.

     Apply-  It can be so hard to understand why things happen the way they do, but even when I am confused, I am going to trust God to take care of it. This man who was blind had not done anything wrong, yet he was unable to see. He did not question Jesus and say, "Why did this happen to me? It's not fair." I know I have said those words on many occasions. He praised Jesus when he was healed. I should praise God every day because I am not blind, but I have taken so much for granted. Whenever something terrible happens to me, I am going to trust God. Though my weakness, he is strong.
     Respond-  Dear God,
                            Thank you that I can see. Help me to trust you even when I can't see. When I don't understand, when I'm blind, help me not to be stressed or angry, but know that you will take care of me, just like you always do.
~Daughter of the Light