Saturday, August 9, 2014

Remembering Scriptures

     John 16:33; In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! For I have over come the world.

     Jesus conquered all, so whom shall I fear?

     Jesus let us know that trouble will come because he is an honest gentleman. He also gave us hope and peace by saying those words. If only I could remember this scripture and quote it to myself in my times of need, then all my fear would melt away and I would feel comforted. I would have faith again that I can leave everything in Jesus's hand because he has the ultimate power. I think when I grow up and get my own house, I will cover my bedroom walls with scriptures written in really cool different fonts. Then I would be surrounded by the word as I sleep. I would see those scriptures every day and remember them when I am in need.

     Dear Jesus,
           Please help me to remember your words so that I can have peace; and so that I can cast all my anxiety on you, because I know you care for me. (1 Peter 5:7)

~Daughter of the Light~

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