Monday, March 3, 2014

Humble Hannah

    So I have been reading in 1 Samuel. Hannah was a very humble woman who prayed to God for a child. She promised God that if he gave her a child she would give the child back to serve him, and she did. Samuel grew up in the temple and God would speak to him. Israel benefited greatly because of Samuel. In fact, there was one time (I read this today in 1 Samuel 7) when the Philistines were coming against the Israelites, and if Samuel had not made a sacrifice to God and pleaded with God to be with the Israelites, those Israelites would have died. I say this all  because I was really thinking this morning about Hannah, Samuel's birth-mother. She was humble and asked God for a child. If she had not been humble, Samuel never would have been born. Because she was humble before God, Israel was saved.
     That is difficult for me to understand because I always feel like I have to do something physical and huge that I can see affects everyone else for the better before I actually think I have done anything worth doing. But no, God asks us to do small things. The small things make a big difference. Hannah asked for a child. She wanted a child so badly, but what did she do? She promised that she would give the child back to God. She did too. She kept her promise.
     I know that when I was little I would ask God for something and then be like, "If you grant me this one request, I'll never ask for anything else ever again." That didn't really work, but here Hannah made a wise promise and kept it. She gave her child to God because she was so thankful that he had heard her prayer.
      I admire that. When she did that, I'm pretty sure that she was not thinking her son would make a big difference in the world; so much so that thousands of years later, people still read about him.
~Daughter of the Light

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