Wednesday, May 7, 2014

God will Judge, so we don't need to

Proverb 28:18;
He whose walk is blameless is kept safe, but he whose ways are perverse will suddenly fall.

  1. A Godly man prospers, but the wicked will suddenly meet their end.
  2. I really like how it said suddenly will fall. It will happen when you least expect it. Some beg God to kill the evil men in this world would die soon, but God will take care of them in his perfect timing. Everyone will receive judgment one day, so it is best to just make sure that you are doing what is right. Like it says in the Bible, worry about the log in your own eye instead of the speck in your neighbor's eye.
  3. Dear Jesus,
                 Please forgive me for thinking myself better than others. People help me to take care of my own sins before I judge others. You are the one, honest judge. I will leave that job for you. Help me to be able to encourage others to trust you to take care of the corrupt people around us too.
In Jesus name,

~Daughter of the Light

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