Revelation 3:15-16;
I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! 16 So, because you are lukewarm -neither hot nor cold- I am about to spit you out of my mouth. Knowing whether I am on fire for God or just lukewarm has always been something I have struggled with. I feel that since I am a teenager, I cannot really do anything. I serve at church every Sunday and Wednesday. I try to live up to my title as being a Christian, but I feel like it is not good enough. I certainly do not want to get spat out of God's mouth. I want to please him. I try to be different than my peers, but I feel like I have this calling to travel far away and preach the gospel. How can I as a teenager do that though? I was talking with my mother about this. I was waking her why it was that people assumed that in order to do anything great, you had to go to school and then college. (not that I have anything wrong with school or college. In fact, I have known what college I am going to go to since I was in eighth grade) My mom asked me this. "Was Jesus on fire for God." I answered yes. "Jesus did not do any miracles until he was thirty. After Joseph died, he had the responsibility as the oldest son to take care of the family. He did that until he was thirty which -according to their tradition- was when the son could be released of his responsibilities. Jesus went through school and took care of his family, and then he went around preaching the gospel." This made me feel a lot better. I can be on fire for God without abandoning my family and traveling around the world. The people around me that I see everyday need to here the gospel, so why go around the world when those that are right here need help?
Revelations 3:20;
Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me. Jesus is just waiting at the door to people's hearts. He is a gentleman, so he will not barge in. He patiently waits for the door to be opened. Once it is opened, he will come in and comfort, strengthen, and give peace to that person, but he needs you to say yes first. What will you say to him?
~Daughter of the Light
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