Monday, December 2, 2013

God is Bigger than the Law

     Luke 2:39; When Joseph and Mary had done everything required of the law of the lord, they returned to Galilee to there own town Nazareth. Mary and Joseph obeyed the law by going to the temple with their new baby, Jesus. Because they followed the rules that their ruler gave them, promises that God had made came true. Simeon was promised that he would be able to see Jesus, and he was. Many people now a days think that we do not have to obey our leaders. When the king, queen, or president does not do what they believe is right, they feel that that gives them the right to disobey. But God is above all in this world. He knows what is going on. He does not look down on the earth on election day and say, "No, wait, I didn't want that guy to be president. Darn it. What am I going to do now?" God does not say that. He knows all that will ever happen. Nothing will ever surprise him. He had always been in charge of everything and is in charge of all still. The law does not get in his way. Mary and Joseph obeyed the law, which was that they would have to go to the temple. Because they went to the temple, Simeon saw Christ as God had promised him. It is not wrong to obey the law, as long as it does not ask up to disobey God. I encourage you, even if you do not like your ruler, to obey your authorities that God has placed over you in your life.
~Daughter of the Light

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