Monday, December 9, 2013

Love your Neighbor

     Luke 10:27; Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and, Love your neighbor as yourself. By loving our neighbors with all our heart, soul, strength and mind, we are also loving God. When we show loving to those he loves, it pleases him. And who is your neighbor, you may ask. Jesus told the parable of the Good Samaritan which basically said that everyone is your neighbor, not just the people living next door to you.
     Now, you may say, 'I don't love myself, therefore, I am not entitled to loving anyone else.' If that is the case, let me say, I will be praying for you. I use to be at that stage where I hated myself. I would think about all my mistakes and problems, and I would fill my head and heart with lies. After a while though, I thought of it this way:
          Life is a gift that God has given us. By insulting ourselves, we are insulting God's gift. By not taking care of our bodies, because we do not care, is abusing the gift God gave us. Our bodies our God's temple, how much more should we take care of them than anything else? Please, even if you hate yourself, love and cherish yourself for the sake of loving God. And love and cherish your neighbor, because no matter what they have or have not done to you, God has put them in your life for a reason. He does not make mistakes. Trust in him, Follow him, Obey him, and he will surely bless you.
~Daughter of the Light

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