Saturday, December 14, 2013

Fruit of the Spirit

     Dear Readers,
         I have decided to set out on a mission. For a few months I am going to practice living out the fruit of the Spirit. Rather than just saying, I'm going to try to do all nine at once, I am going to do one a week. Galatians 5:22-23; The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. For a week I am going to try extra hard to be loving and then the following week I will try to be extra joyful and positive. The week after that I will work on not[peace, then patience and so on and so forth. I invite you to join me in this attempt to be a better you, and I ask you to help me. If I ever say anything not loving, not joyous, not peaceful, not patient, not kind, not good, not faithful to being a child of God, not gentle, and not self-controlling, by all means, say something. Reprimand me, encourage me to do better, please. I need God's help and I also need you help. I will also pray for you.

~Daughter of the Light

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