Now that I am older, I understand better. It had to do with pride and humility. Those that were the proudest would be humbled and those who were humbled would be exalted. I was racing to the front because I wanted to be the best. It was not that I was "working hard" and they were being lazy, it was that I was being prideful and they were being humble.
I try not to do silly prideful things like that anymore, but pride is something I struggle with more than a lot of other things. When I pray for God to humble me, I will also pray for you that God will help you with whatever it is you struggle with. Be careful if you too have issues with pride, because if you ask him to humble you, he really will. My pride has gotten me in trouble before, so I am very eager to get rid of it. Please pray for me as I pray for you. If first we can fix our mistakes and pray for others to have the strength to fix their mistakes too, then we can change the world.
~Daughter of the Light
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