Friday, February 14, 2014

Family Relief Nursery

   Dear Friends,
       I told you some time ago that I wanted to do something to stop abortion.  Well, as I was talking to a lady who helps counsel people who have been through that tragic process and she told me what it was like trying to help those people. I would love to help people like that, but since I am only in high school, I think I need to stick with a younger audience for now.
     This lady took me to a Family Relief Nursery in town where we were told all about what they do there and given a tour. I really feel like God put it in my heart for me to talk to this lady so that she could take me to this Family Relief Nursery. I know I want to help there and I can totally see how God has worked in my life in the past to prepare me for this task. It will be a challenge because I have never worked with children from non-Christian families and these kids have really difficult lives, but since I assisted teaching in a private school kindergarten for three years and I have been teaching the preschoolers at my church and helping teach the 1st-5th graders there too, I know that this is the next step for me.
     I AM SO EXCITED! It is a great feeling you get when you see where it is that God has been leading you all this time. I'm positive that this isn't even the last step in my journey. God is giving me this as preparation for something else.
     Thank you all for praying for me and being people to which I could write what was on my mind. God will bless you too and I pray that he makes you as happy as I am.
~Daughter of the Light


  1. Hi Alayna,

    I've really been enjoying reading your blog. You are such an amazing friend and I'm so thankful for you and our friendship.


    1. :) You such an amazing friend too! I'm glad you enjoy my blog.
