Friday, February 7, 2014

Spiritual Gifts

     1 Corinthians 1:7; You do not lack any spiritual gift as you wait eagerly for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed. We all have a spiritual gift if not more than one. In the last couple months I have been really interested in personality tests to find out more what I am like. It has helped me see the problems I struggle with so I can try and stop bad habits. I found a fabulous website where you answer 108 questions and they tell you what your spiritual gift is. It is not one of those random things where you see who you get or anything, this is serious. It is a very reliable sight and I found it very helpful.
    We all are gifted in many ways. God has made us all special. Knowing your spiritual gifts and other people's helps with collaboration. You can connect with someone who has a strength where you have a weaknesses and it works the other ways too.
     No gift is better than another one. When I found that my main gift was service I thought to myself, 'That is a good gift to have. That way I am not being selfish but I am helping others." But ALL gifts are necessary. They are all just as important.
~Daughter of the Light

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