Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Pride of the Galatians

     Galatians 6:2; Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will  fulfill the law of Christ. A pet peeve I have is complaining. When people go on and on about their problems and how it makes them so miserable, that really annoys me, but God wants us to listen and help. As true friends, we should hear the pain our buddy endures so that we can carry it for them. I personally do not do this very, but my heart tells me that this is something I could do a lot if I listened to how God would like me to help people.
     Galatians 6:3; If anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he deceives himself.  This one is like a slap in the face for me. I think to myself, 'God made me, so I must be important. I mean, Jesus died for me, so I must be worth it.' NO! I am so wrong! Jesus gave us grace. Grace is an undeserving gift which means I am undeserving; therefore, I deceive myself. I am nothing, yet I tell myself I am something.
     Galatians 6:5; Each one should test his own actions. The he can take pride in himself, without comparing himself to somebody else. I do do a lot of comparing myself to other people. Yikes! These verses of correction really do apply to me. I have found it very difficult to correct myself on issues that are inside me rather than outside. If they are outside, then other people can help you. If they are internal, I have to ask God to help me. That is really difficult for me, yet I can't get better if I am not willing to ask and listen.
     Dear Jesus,
         Please help as I struggle with my pride. Give me a humble heart Lord so that I can be more like you. Help me not to measure myself to the standards of this world or to the people of this world. Help me to stay on the path you have set for me. I know it won't be the same as any one else's, so please help me not to look down on others because I feel like I am doing better than they. You said ask and you shall receive. Give me a humble heart. Give me wisdom. Not my will but yours be done.
In Jesus Name,
~Daughter of the Light

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