Wednesday, January 29, 2014


     1 Samuel 26:23; The Lord rewards everyone for their righteousness and faithfulness. 
     After my long, desperate prayer with God Sunday night, I was excited to see my friend on Monday. When I went to audition for a play, I met up with her there. We sat in the hall and waited to be called in to audition. I was so happy to be there with her and talk to her and encourage her. 
     According to, faithfulness is: steady in allegiance or affection; loyal; constant. 
I wanted to get my audition done as soon as possible, so I auditioned long before her, but I was faithful and stayed by her side in the hall until she was ready to go. When she finally felt determined enough to go, I encouraged her to go and when she came out I tried to be kind and loving. Then, I didn't want to leave her there because she was going to call her mom to get picked up, so my mom and I took her home.
    I love that girl and I am so glad God gave me a great chance to practice my faithfulness with her.
    There are so many ways a person can be faithful. A student could be faithful to do his homework, parents can be faithful to love their children... The thing I am going to try and be faithful about this week particularly would be to go to my studio and talk with God every day. Every time I walk out of there after talking with him I feel so happy. It is so beautiful. When I talk to him I feel so much happier and content.
~Daughter of the Light

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