Thursday, January 2, 2014


     Leviticus... oh Leviticus. In my daily reading I am reading in Leviticus. It is hard to care about what you are reading when you are reading about thirty different ways to make a sacrifice or burnt offering. To keep myself from skipping a month's worth of reading, I have decided that every three years I will read Leviticus thoroughly and the other two I will skim it but read another Bible focused book. Presently, I'm reading Hinds' Feet on High Places. I am enjoying it. For me, this is really hard because I do not like reading, but I think this is really good for me.
     Have any of you readers ever done the 30 day challenge to listen to only Christian music? I have heard about people doing that, so I'm trying to do that. It is interesting though when you have siblings that listen to non-Christian music.
    This New Year is an interesting one. Yesterday was crazy. I pray that you are all drawing closer to God. When hard things happen to me I always draw closer to God.
~Daughter of the Light

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